Condo Rules

Family Only: Keys and/or permission to use Q1 may not be given to friends, acquaintances, clients, friends of friends etc. A member of the owner’s family MUST BE PRESENT. Please SIGN IN when visiting the condo so we know how often it is being used & by whom
Check-out is 5pm & Check-in is 6pm – You have the night listed on the calendar. If you would like to be in the condo earlier or check out later, please make arrangements with the family in possession on that day. 
Section 89: The original association of owners named this group after D&C Section 89 as a rule that the WORD OF WISDOM would be followed in the use of the cabin.
Please DO YOUR PART as owners to help maintain a CLEAN condo for everyone’s enjoyment. We do not have maid service so we need everyone’s help to clean the condo after each use. Please refer to the posted cleaning check-out list on the message cork board located in the kitchen.
For hygiene purposes, please bring your own sheets, blankets, and pillow cases to use. We do not have laundry services up there.
NO PETS allowed.  A few of the condo owners and children have allergies to pet danders- some of these allergies can be significant, including wheezing and trouble breathing.  These allergens remain on the furniture and in carpet fibers long after the pet is gone.  In addition to allergies, there is also the issue of pets possibly soiling the furniture and carpet.  Please be considerate of others who use the condo and refrain from allowing pets inside the condo.